Saturday, December 15, 2012

Your Instant Psychological Evaluation

My heart goes out to the families and friends of the 26 shooting victims yesterday at Sandy Hook school in Newtown, Connecticut.  It's a shocking act and a tragedy of historic proportion made worse by the sudden ending of lives at an elementary school.  In a kindergarten class.  At Christmas time.  Let the healing begin.

Now to this week's post. 

Here's a ten-question quiz administered for fun at the start of work training I attended last month.   Write down your answers then scroll down to read what they're supposed to reveal about you.  Try to answer a question before reading the next one.  I've spaced the questions apart for that purpose.  Ready?


1. You're walking in the woods.  Who are you walking with?

2. You go deeper into the woods and encounter an animal.  What kind of animal is it?

3. How do you interact with this animal?

4. Deeper in the woods you find your dream house.  Describe the house.

5. Is the house fenced?

6. You walk into the house and into the dining room.  What's on the dining room table?

7. You go out the back door and find a cup on the ground.  What material is the cup made of?

8. What do you do with the cup?

9. At the edge of the property is a body of water.  What is that body of water?

10. How will you cross that body of water?

Pencils down.   Time for a little introspection.
1. You're walking in the woods.  Who are you walking with?
 This is the most important person in your life. 

2. You go deeper into the woods and encounter an animal.  What kind of animal is it?
 The size of the animal represents the size of your problems. 

3. How do you interact with this animal?
 The severity of the interaction is how you deal with your problems.
4. Deeper in the woods you find your dream house.  Describe the house.
 The size of the house represents your ambition.

 5. Is the house fenced?
 If yes, you're a closed person. 
6. You walk into the house and into the dining room.  What's on the dining room table?
 If nothing's on the table, you're generally unhappy. 
7. You go out the back door and find a cup on the ground.  What material is the cup made of?
 The durability of the material equates to the durability of the relationship of the person in question #1. 

8. What do you do with the cup?
This is how you deal with that relationship. 

9. At the edge of the property is a body of water.  What is that body of water?
 The size of the body of water represents your libido.

10. How will you cross that body of water?
How wet you get represents your sex life.  However, our instructor did not say if wet means your sex life is more voracious, satisfying, or both.

As therapists may say, see you next week.

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