Saturday, March 2, 2013

Things I Hate

A few days ago I was cut off on the freeway during the morning commute.  That got me thinking about things I hate even more... commercial blocks on radio.

...the 80's music British invasion.

...TV channels that discourage flipping by running their commercials at the same time.

...TV shows that mistake fast dialogue for clever dialogue.

...TV reporters who ask victims of crime, freakish weather and other misfortune how it made them feel. anchors and reporters who say "we're told (blank)" instead of reporting who said what.

...politicians who don't give direct answers to questions.

...interviewers who let them get away with their evasive answers.

...Piers Morgan

...Andy Dick

...drivers who flick lit cigarette butts on the road.

...traffic lights that turn red when there's no cross-traffic or pedestrian.

...AT&T's frequent rate hikes.

...people who don't return my phone calls.

...sitting in the cheap seats. over-heated office space.

...being in the slowest line at a grocery store

...being last in any line as the line gets shorter peppers


...Starbuck's coffee

...hearing the word picture pronounced pitcher

...air freshners used to mask other odors in a hotel room

...a frozen cursor

...hitting a tee shot at the top of the ball and watching it dribble 30 feet.

...that photos and videos disappear from my blog posts.

And finally, a few things I hate when I'm in a restaurant.

...being seated near the bathroom.

...waiters who take our order without writing anything down and get it wrong.

...milk with coffee when I asked for half-and-half.

...when a favorite restaurant jumps the shark.

Thanks for reading.  I actually feel better.  Feel free to post a comment and add what you hate.

1 comment:

  1. I HIGHLY dislike: over-cooled office space.
    ...hearing the word especially pronounced expecially.
    ...when toilet paper is put in the dispenser upside-down.
    ...when a person whines about things that are 100% within his/her control.
    ...frowners and Debbie Downers.
    ...when the sun doesn't come out to play.

    And I HATE:
    ...that I won't see my Toastmasters tonight. :)
